How do I change where my email alerts are sent?

An illustration of envelopes.

Are your email alerts getting sent to an old email address? Just change your login information to the new one!

If you’ve forgotten your password entirely and can’t log in, find out how to reset your password. Check our other article to find out how to update your email alerts.

To change the email address you log in with, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your account using your original email address and password. 

2. Click your name near the top right corner of the page, then click "Account Settings" in the dropdown menu.

A screenshot of the Idealist website showing how to access your account settings

3. Update your email address, then click “Update Personal Information.” We’ll send a message to your updated email address asking you to confirm.

A screenshot of the Idealist website showing where to change your email and click "Update Personal Information."

4. Click the verification link in the email. You’ll be all set to use your new email address to log in to

If you don’t receive the verification email, let us know! We’re always happy to help!

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